Carol's ramblings

By Lucari


Awake before the alarm went off at 8.
Arranged with my sister to visit a DIY store (*&*) to look at wallpaper.  
Whilst wandering around the store a gentleman asked me “do you work here?” - I was wearing a black coat , but …..?
Limited wallpaper there but tore off 3 or 4 to see what hubby thinks.
Decided then to go to the large Swedish flat-pack store as my sister had not been there before.  They didn’t have any wallpaper but my sister made some purchases and we experienced their restaurant (busy as it’s half term).
Back to home and one last DIY store to visit, but they only had half a dozen choices of wallpaper, one of the workers said that people tend to buy online and get delivered!

Walking Lili tonight, thought about the mono challenge today - Turn - chose the roundabout with turning cars.

Out to dinner tonight with the lace ladies.


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