Emotional Support Plants

I have blipped the shop on which this slogan appears before. The slogan seems to be relatively new. I sent this photo to a colleague....with the comment that it may not be long before students start asking to bring their emotional support plants to examinations as a reasonable adjustment.... I speak only half in jest....

While my balcony plants have been important to me, and so is my gardening, I certainly don't think of them as my "emotional support plants". And actually I've never had plants in the office. The only time I did, I almost managed to kill the plant in question (the oxalis....which isn't looking too good right now as it happens....).

Anyway, I wanted to memorialise this, and I also loved the reflections of the other side of Leith Walk (Haddington Place, in fact, I think)....

A day in the office, partly good and partly dominated by some absolute nonsense.

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