Photos in A Major

By A


Blooming Internet. It goes like this
BT sends email, you are near your usage limit (well actually 60% of our way through, with 20% of the month to go)
Internet connection drops at 19.30 the following night
Internet connection restored with a hard reboot of the modem the following morning
Internet connection drops the second night
A rings India (sorry I mean BT) and complains
India BT does test on line, asks me to restart homehub,
A complains that this is the most unreliable piece if garbage since their ADSL connection and we review settings in the actual modem, not manufactured for BT!
Internet Light still stays off
Guess what Internet works the following morning
Repeat until the 1st of the month

Really, utterly useless, however in the world of dwarves they are the tallest (& least useless one).

Right chest cleared. Night night!

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