Another dragon

First thing, to Woking for lunch with family.  We stopped off at a little artisan market in the centre of Woking to buy bread and cheese to go with the lunch.  Very nice.  The plan was to confirm the arrangements for a holiday in July. I think we all agreed that the Airbnb that had already been proposed was the best so we booked it. A brisk walk to make sure we caught the 4:03pm train back. When we got back I went for a lie down. This lack of sleep isn’t great. But, I only got a bit of rest due to the continuing pain of my frozen shoulder.

In the evening, to the cinema, to see Poor Things. Lovely screening room at BAFTA. I’d never been. Another beautifully shot film  (see, Asteroid City). In the colour parts I could only describe it as steampunk Victorian through a fish-eye lens. Wonderful. The story weird, horrific and compelling. But, somehow, too disturbing to be great.

On the walk back, past Trafalgar Square where they were rehearsing something on a stage that will form part of the Chinese New Year celebrations in town. This drag was illuminated at one end of the square. It’s quite impressive. 

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