Another Day

Another sunset.  Another stroke of luck being in the right place at the right time as this colour lasted only a few minutes and for most of the hour I was walking with Meg buildings towered over us leaving a narrow ribbon of sky.   Exploring the quiet back streets, away from the noisy traffic that scares Meg, we found a few places of interest.  This view in fact across a construction site as a city park is relandscaped, although today at least, the water was meant to be there.

Big thank you to everyone who has left gifts for yesterday's sunset propelling it into the top 40 popular blips :-)

Earlier Jamie and I had shopped - well Jamie mostly, I don't have the shopping gene and get twitchy if I spend more than five minutes in a big store!   I've done a bit of admin - the list came on the trip with me - and rested some too.  This evening Jamie and I have done an online escape room roll playing challenge with Clara as the gamemaster which has been a hoot.   Three more days to go.

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