New perspectives

I walked and prayed my way to the far away supermarket... It was exactly what I needed to feel realigned. The supermarket ended up being shut as the municipality it's in was having their fiesta day! I'm kind of glad I didn't know as the walk and time did me good. I didn't have my camera (thinking I'd be lugging food home), but felt some interesting things as I crossed my favourite bridge and noticed new angles.
Home and I grabbed my computer and went to start my essay in Can Moreta cafe. As lovely as it was to be there and have coffee at the same time, I was definitely way more distracted than when I work in the library.
Team meeting this afternoon was good, and Gemma stayed whilst Danny went to prison, and ended up staying for dinner too!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) My friend messaging asking if they can take Asha skiing for 3 days at the end of the months- all costs covered!!! Absolutely amazing!
2) Deciding to pray for people throughout Lent, and getting an amazing response on private messages to the Facebook offer. What an honour. And such an interesting array of folks. So, if you want me to pray for you during Lent, email me - my address is in my bio.
3) Feeling realigned

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