Glacier Point, Yosemite……

………another canvas print from a photo which I took when we were there in May 2018. It’s in our front lounge with the one of Tunnel View.
This viewpoint simply takes your breath away. There was still some snow on the distant Sierras.
The couple were just sitting there and gave a perspective to the fact that there is a sheer drop just below those rocks.
The iconic Half Dome is unmistakeable,,feet%20beneath%20the%20Earth's%20surface.

When I look at it each day, I can hardly believe we were actually there almost 10 years ago now, which was a trip for our Ruby Wedding which was coming up in July 2014.
On a different note, it is Shrove Tuesday today, or Pancake Day, Mardi Gras.
We will be having pancakes for tea this evening with our friend who comes each Tuesday,
.Last year we had a lot of fun tossing them!

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