Ar gyfer y dyfodol

Ar gyfer y dyfodol ~ For the future

“[A] photograph is a non-interpretive image with a precise and immutable complement of information. The visual image is not like this at all, even at the moment in time when it is first recorded. The brain takes the visual image and interprets it in terms of past experience, present knowledge and future expectations.”
― Bede Morris, (The anatomy and physiology of vision, Images : illusion and reality, Australian Academy of Science, 1986,  ISBN 0-85847-131-0, p. 13)

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Fel llinach rydyn ni'n hoffi dod â phethau i fodolaeth ar gyfer dyfodol Bwdhaeth yn y Gorllewin. Ar hyn o bryd rydyn ni'n gweithio ar gerflun o Dud'jom Rinpoche (10 Mehefin 1904 – 17 Ionawr 1987), athro uchel ei barch, a chyn pennaeth ysgol Nyingma.  Mae dim ond un cerflun arall fel hon o Dud'jom Rinpoche yn y byd  - yn Bhutan.

Rydyn ni'n noddi creu'r cerflun hwn. Cafodd y pen ei gwneud yn y UDA a bydd y corff yn cael ei wneud yn Bhutan. Yn y pen draw bydd y cerflun cyflawn yn Drala Jong.

Roedd heddiw'r diwrnod olaf yr hen flwyddyn Tibet, felly roedd pedwar o bobl yn dawnsio 'Dawns Het Du' i osgoi negyddiaeth yr hen flwyddyn, fel y gallwn ddechrau'r flwyddyn newydd o'r newydd.

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As a lineage we like to bring things into existence for the future of Buddhism in the West. We are currently working on a statue of Dud'jom Rinpoche (10 June 1904 – 17 January 1987), a respected teacher, and former head of the Nyingma school. There is only one other statue like this of Dud'jom Rinpoche in the world - in Bhutan.

We are sponsoring the creation of this statue. The head was made in the USA and the body will be made in Bhutan. Eventually the complete statue will be Drala Jong.

Today was the last day of the old Tibetan year, so four people danced the 'Black Hat Dance' to avert the negativity of the old year, so that we could start the new year anew.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Pen cerflun sy'n cael ei wneud ar hyn o bryd
Description (English): The head of a sculpture currently being made

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