A holy tree

A downy birch was felled recently - it was rotting. Today John spotted a good number of holes in the logs, he thought made by a woodpecker although open to suggestions. The holes look neat and as you can see spaced apart. He has spent this afternoon splitting logs, I have just taken a cup of tea out to him, he looks shattered but says he needs to finish before coming in.

A sunny day and one where dozens of chaffinch flew over and back again with a number landing in the birch tree here, possibly tempted by food sitting on the bird table underneath.

And Jack spent most of the day lounging in his fancy tower - a double decker cardboard box covered with a towel, we think he and little girl like the height. I may make the towel more permanent if they continue to use it. He has gone a-wandering now, a stroll before supper.

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