Jewelled irises

It spat with rain all morning, waiting until this afternoon to get seriously organised with some driving soaking drizzle while we were out walking. Still it made for a pretty iris shot. Such a change from yesterday.

It was a Marmite band rehearsal for me this morning with Susan occupying her studio for the first time this year, working on a painting for respite and me time.

We spent a very happy evening playing together. Susan’s decided to learn the ukulele so we played several three or four chord popular songs. Even after only a couple of hours practice she’s pretty darn good.

I’ve been playing for longer than I care to admit. She’ll soon be better than me. Her guitar skills are transferable and she knows about chord shapes. It’s a matter of learning new shapes.

Perhaps she’ll have to teach me the guitar?

Such sad news about the death of Steve Wright. At 69 he’s the same age as me.

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