Snow Day ...

... American Robin.

It started snowing early this morning (2:00am) and didn't stop until we had received more than 10 inches of heavy, wet snow. 

And the only creatures stirring were birds!  And lots of them, too.  I only saw one squirrel the entire day.

That said ... I took less than 50 pictures throughout the day.  Including this one of an American Robin ... and the Extra of a gorgeous Blue Jay.  The Blue Jay was trying to land on the snow covered railing but wasn't having much success.  I had thrown a couple of peanuts out on the back walkway but the snow 'ate' them up ... not to be seen again until some melting occurs!  

I spent most of the day puttering around the house because I couldn't go anywhere ... not that I had anywhere to go mind you.  Yesterday I had rescheduled a dentist appointment from this morning because of the snowy forecast.  And then later I received a call from the vet office to reschedule Cheddar's follow up appointment that was for this evening.  Both have been reschedule for later in the month.  

I know I could have cropped the robin picture tighter but I liked  being able to see all the snow surrounding him.  Please have a look full screen.

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