
More bags for the dump; while I worked away in the almost warm sunshine I listened to a couple of podcasts. Oh dear, the wheels have come off Labour’s Rochdale by-election after the Mail on Sunday helpfully leaked their candidate’s views on Israel and Gaza. His chances of a reprieve after an apology (yes, yes, he didn’t mean what he said..) weren’t helped by the Mail then revealing that he’d also blamed Jews in the media for some other badness. Will Rochdale now fall into Gorgeous George’s lap? The nation holds its breath. Or maybe not.
Later, to make up for missing each other on several Fridays, MrFT and I met up for a beer (or 'a beer or three’ as we comically refer to it) at the Blue Blazer. And very fine quaffing ale it was to wash down our stories, but, bloody hell guv’nor, six pounds a pint? In the Blue Blazer? I know we’re less likely to be shot up town but next time we should maybe just repair to our local.

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