Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Dr. Ken Ferguson

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Today I had a meeting with Nat, the Procurement Lady. 

I am coming to treasure my time with Nat the Procurement Lady. She is hilarious. Last week she came to work with a migraine and was openly squinting at me sideways, trying to make me out. 

I told her to go home.

Today I had an online meeting with her. Don't get me wrong. We did manage to do a few things and it was productive but - 

"WHO'S THAT???" I asked.

A lovely doggy appeared on Nat's lap! "This is Molly," she explained. "She thinks she's a puppy and a lapdog."

The HUGE dog rolled around, licking and waving paws and generally being a huge pest. 

"I'd love a dog!" I said, "But we have four cats."

"Oh you can get a dog," said Nat. "Molly and Dr. Ken get along fine."


"My cat is called Dr. Ken Ferguson," sighed Nat. "The kids couldn't agree on whether to call him Ken or Ferguson. So then they decided he was Ken Ferguson. And I decided he was a doctor."

Dr. Ken and Molly are best friends. And Dr. Ken routinely follows Nat when she takes Molly for a walk. "People are always asking me if that cat is stalking me," said Nat. "I have to tell them that he's my cat and he won't leave me alone."

Our meeting continued but then -

"OH F***!" said Nat. "Molly's got into my daughter's room and is eating her makeup removal wipes."

She took her laptop into the room and we saw her wrestling the wipes away from Molly and shutting her out of the room. 

"I'm NOT tidying up the wipes," added Nat. "My daughter was TOLD to empty her bin."

We went back to the meet -

"MOLLY! SHUT UP! FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!" bellowed Nat. "Molly is trying to get back into the room."

There was more scruffling about. Eventually Nat returned. 

"Sorry," she said. "I'm so sorry about that but I'm back now and JESUS CHRIST THERE'S A BIRD IN THE HOUSE!"

Nat (it turns out) is SCARED of birds. 

"What shall I do?" she asked. 

We advised her to deploy a towel and she returned 5 minutes later, shaken but triumphant.

It was DEFINITELY my favourite meeting of the day. 

The rest of the day was fun too. I went for a walk with Briar and Luke and we got ice-cream. Along the way we saw a pair of stingrays which Briar named "Gladys" and "Ralph". 

And in the afternoon, Luke offered me a Tim-Tam so we had to do the thing where you bite off the ends and drink your coffee through it. 

Work is busy. A lot of meetings. But a lot of fun too.


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