
By Houseonahill6

Two very cute miniature donkeys

We made the most of a sunny day and went up to Dunrobin Castle. We stopped for a delicious breakfast at Dalmore Farm where we met these two gorgeous donkeys.
On to Dunrobin for their snowdrop festival. There are lots of steps to walk down to get to the gardens but I managed it. Beautiful snowdrops near the museum and great views of the castle with blue skies behind. The waves were huge, lapping over the wall almost soaking the people walking along the path.
We drove past Loch fleet on the way back. Spotting a couple of seals although the tide was right in, very close to the road.
It clouded over on the way back which we were pleased about otherwise the sun would have been in our eyes :)
Blossom the shire horse from Cannon Hall Farm had a filly foal :)

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