
By lemonzest

Traffic Zone

Somebody must really love the road sign company. Why so many road signs for a forest track which only leads to one house?

I went for a pleasant walk this morning, along the still icy road through the forest, to the small bridge where I bumped into Z and her dog. D turned up in the car to warn of an escaped dog. Z told us that there are indeed quite a few ferocious wolves in the area but they have eluded me so far.

I tried to ring mum but I didn't get through. Maybe they were busy in her 'hotel'.

I should have attended ceramics but I was too tired and fell asleep on the sofa. It has been a relaxing day though.

D drove off back home and I walked back via Kukle, where Z had left her car, and continued along the sandy track that emerges close to EG's house. D met me with a flask of green tea and a rather sticky boiled sweet.

I later had a chat with HD, someone I have known and worked closely with from time to time, however, he mentioned that he doesn't know what I look like and vice-versa. Indeed, we have never actually met.

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