
By pensionspoet

Lunch by the sea

One of the pluses of living near the sea and working from home. I drove to Lidl at lunchtime to ‘buy’ my free giant pretzel and ‘free’ Belgian bun. Both coupons on Lidl plus expiring today and tomorrow and I hate missing out on something free! I also bought some houmous (don’t know how it is spelt) and sat overlooking the sea to eat it, before going back to my desk.

I received in the post, the two books by Nancy Birtwhistle, that I ordered last week. So I’ve been looking through them. I’ve seen a few ideas already of things I’ll try.

Jon cooked dinner. I’m not sure what I’ve done since then. Sorted things - moved stuff about a bit! Thought about tomorrow. Plan to do lots of writing in the afternoon to make up for a few days without. Head still aches in the evenings so it’s hard to think straight.

Now tv. Then bed.

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