
Button play on a quick pic of a wet crocus bud.

Tried to tidy up a bit in livingroom & make more mess.

Went out to garden to dismantle one of the mini greenhouse garden frames, there was more rust & air than the tubing that was meant to keep it upright! The one next to it also came down & no way enough bits to make one out of what's left. One still had a plastic cover but that was disintegrating with tiny holes & tiny bits of plastic departing everywhere as I took it off to bin.

Long time since the rubbish bin full. Had to break some bits as they had got stuck but wouldn't fit in bin. I hadn't used them for ages & one had collapsed for a while so glad that they are out & away. Don't owe anything, don't know if would buy another one as they would fall over in other parts of the garden if wind caught them.

Now have a space with an very overgrown bit in front which will have to be cleared. Dithering about whether to replace with raised beds, mini hut with glass front or just plant up. Soil very poor at this bit.

Will need to clear it all first, then measure, then look online for some ideas. Need the garden to be creative a bit more.

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