E Pluribus Unum

On This Day In History
1965: Canada adopts the maple leaf flag

Quote Of The Day
"The flag is the symbol of the nation's unity, for it, beyond any doubt, represents all the citizens of Canada without the distinction of race, language, belief or opinion."
(Honourable Maurice Bourget)

On September 28 last year, the Year Four children from Joto School paid a visit to our school. While they were with us, w all drew pictures of ourselves which my wonderful assistant scanned and placed on a photo of our school hall. Today, it was my pleasure to be able to present the school with the final framed and signed picture as we made an exchange visit to Joto School. I was delighted by the good behaviour of the children in my class, especially as I had been less than delighted by  their behaviour when the Joto children visited our school. They have made remarkable progress, and I was extremely happy to see the children from both schools bonding so well with each other "without distinction of race, language, belief or opinion."

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