U Shaped Nant Valley

Strange that I had not realised this valley was glacier carved but it is obvious as you walk up towards Le Richard and La Vare. I saw no one today as I walked on old snow to do the loop from Les Plans to Le Richard in the forest then down the river. There were lots of big paw prints (extra), a Lynx for sure, is in this part of the valley. I was just about to put my big lens back in my rucksack when a bearded vulture flew along a high ridge, so majestic ( 2nd extra). 

I was back to make lunch with our eldest granddaughter and fiancée who “are” 8 months pregnant! We can’t believe we are going to be great grandparents in a month’s time! They are staying with us till Sunday and her sister arrives tomorrow night. So I am sorry if I can’t comment at the moment … a busy time. Just had fun doing pregnant yoga with them. And tomorrow I have a ski mountaineering trip too as C and J are doing home office here.

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