Loch reflections

We were lucky to have another good weather day.  We set off stopping at the nearby Loch Cal Dromannan to take images of the mountain reflections.  This was near Knockan and the area known as Colgach.  Further along the road we stopped at Loch Awe where several small islands are located in the loch.  Some time was spent here walking over clumps of grass and avoiding the wet areas taking images from different locations.

Our next stop was the delightful Old Church of Kirkton.  It was the parish church of Assynt and dates from 1743 till 1898.  It now has a domestic appearance but still with a churchyard to one side.  It was very quiet here with fields leading down to the loch, the line of trees approaching the church were full of lichens with thick moss around.  The richness of lichens and mosses is true for all the areas we have visited.  A bird of prey was also sitting in the tree.  We wandered around the graveyard which was full of snowdrops in perfect condition.

Our last stop was at the Wailing Widow Falls which are a short walk up a steep valley.  The path was non existent as we picked our way around rocks or sank into peaty areas.  We had agreed to take two youngish boys with us as their Dad has problems with his legs but they were much faster than us.  They were on the return part of the journey when we next saw them.  By now it was getting cold and the clouds becoming thicker so we happily headed back home.

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