Glasses Test

Not an easy outing,
preparation and patience
required in spadefuls!

Still not an easy Ben day, he’s definitely struggling with keeping calm. Bad timing that it was eye test day :-/ Good thing is that I had prepped the opticians with what Ben’s needs and behaviour could be. They were amazing with him and he kept on track better than I expected.
We had a walk in the woods, he was a bit whingey so I cut it a smidge short but I’d still say it was a success overall.
Boiler is playing up so we were waiting in the house for a plumber this afternoon which Ben got quite agitated about but we made it through. No definitive news on the boiler, sadly. Might be a valve?? Plumber coming back tomorrow to have a dig around for it.
Ben has enjoyed playing a train driving simulator on Xbox, so that’s been a small win and he’s been playing with grandma a bit this evening which he’s enjoyed.

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