
Back to work for me today, and I was really not feeling fabulous, but painkillers got me through the day.  The bus to the office was very quiet, as it is half term.  The office wasn’t busy either. 
I was busy – catching up with stuff from the past few days and catching up with colleagues.  I managed to escape for half an hour at lunchtime to enjoy a little bit of sunshine.  It was then back to the office for more meetings.
I left work sharpish this evening to head to the Café Royal to meet up with TT and friends who are in town this week.  We had a quick drink and then headed to Dishoom for dinner.  The downside of Dishoom is that you cannot book for dinner, so you have to take your chances.  Even on a Tuesday night in February Dishoom was busy.  We had to wait about forty minutes for our table,  so we enjoyed another drink while we waited. 
We had a lovely evening, lots of chat and lots of tasty food.  Our friends had requested Dishoom as they had heard good thigs and had never been.  They were not disappointed.
I was very weary when we got home.  We heard from BB this evening.  He was skiing today, but didn’t enjoy it much.  He said he fell over too much!  I guess that is t be expected on your first time on skis.
This is a corner of Holyrood Palace.  I wandered past it at lunchtime.  I have to confess I have never visited the place.  Maybe one day.

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