Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Where Is The Love?

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

I went to work today and hung out with Olivia and Briar. 

We had a lot of fun and some good chat. Olivia noted that in our group chat, both she and I have expressed our love for the group but that Fazzy and Briar have not. 

"Because VOM," said Briar. 

Briar has issues with emotions. I once saw her react violently to an emoji of a cheeky winky face with its tongue out. 

"EWWWWWWWWWW GROSSSSS!!" she said. Visibly recoiling.

I decided to put Olivia's theory to the test and told everyone PERSONALLY that I loved them in the chat. 

I got a blue heart emoji from Briar. Which wasn't bad. 

I got a, "You're a'right" from Fazlyn which APPALLED me.

And EVEN OLIVIA didn't reciprocate. "I can't do it with everyone watching," she told me later. 

In other news, I spoke to Nat the Procurement Lady about Dr. Ken Ferguson again today. 

"It's so embarrassing when I go to the vet and they ask to see Dr. Ken Ferguson," she told me. "And then I'm like, 'here he is' and hold up my cat carrier".

Also Olivia bought me this coffee. So she is forgiven. Fazzy, however, is still in my bad books. 


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