Never Throw Anything Away

Walked into Torquay as the birdwatcher was off early. The new hotel near Corbyn  Head is growing. It will be shiny and new and quite curvy, but it won’t have a blue history plaque like the two Livermead hotels it is sandwiched between. Cross the busy road for a swim.
I went to the library to use the old newspapers.
In the evening there was a great talk at the Paignton Heritage Society by Mr Lionel Digby, the local music promoter in the 1960s and 1970s. He brought all the big names to Torquay and most of Devon. He recreated the Marquee Club in the Town Hall as Marquay.  Like one or two others he turned down the Beatles. Brian Epstein wanted £150, and Lionel would only pay £100. Lionel never threw anything away - his motto- and said he has made more money selling posters and ephemera than he ever did form promoting. Eg posters for cancelled Sex Pistols gigs. He had a shop called Tangerine Fuzz in the 1970s. The talk was illustrated with all of his photos, and memorabilia. Talk about revisiting your youth. See extra

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