More Haar (de haar)

A bit of bimboing around the neighbourhood, including a call in at RFYC, though a fair bit of time was spent puzzling over our own boat club’s bank transactions which are no longer appearing in our Sage cloud accounting whatsit. Afternoon, and off up town for a shearing from James. We’ve an upcoming jaunt after all. 
And then an email! My DNA results from (my Christmas present from my sister). And blimey, guess what, they’re almost exactly what I would have guessed. I mean, Scottish 55%, Irish 31% (one granny was entirely Irish stock, which I knew), England & Northwestern Europe 8% (one great-grandmother was from Cumbria and who knows where else) … and …. Sweden & Denmark 6%! Yes!! I’m part-Viking. This makes me very pleased, and explains a lot - ever since I was a small boy I’ve loved Noggin the Nog. And last year, when I visited Lindisarne for the first time, I’d a strong urge to ransack the place and go nuts. No pints of mild for me - a pint of Skullsplitter please, squire. 
I shouldn't really have said please.

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