Bad night last night, which meant when I eventually got to sleep I then slept in and didn't wake up until 8.45.  Sadly this mean to QiGong for me today.!!

Once I'd got myself together I decided to go into town just to do a little bit of photography on a couple of projects I have going and the weather wouldn't affect those.  I was only and hour and got a bit wet - not that it was exactly raining just that misty drizzly stuff which gets you so wet.

Called into the Chemist on the way home to pick up our prescriptions, only one was ready, even though they'd been put in at the same time.  It just means I will have to go back down later today as it is needed by Hubby who runs out tomorrow.

That's all for today.  Do take care everyone and stay safe and I will see  you all tomorrow.

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