
Or Grape Hyacinth. Image taken this afternoon when the sun made a brief appearance. This clump is the first to appear this year. Over time I been thinning  out these bulbs, as along with forget-me-nots as they make for a takeover bid in my garden! 

Aerobics this morning, which was great fun as we used a drumming routine. Wendy has warned that today was the last time for now, and we would need weights for next week. Coffee and shopping followed.

Last night was a success for Sue Jane and myself. Everyone enjoyed our images, and the stories that went with them. So that was good. Just got to sort out some images for the last competition as hand in date is the 7th March. 

Thank you for dropping by and for your comments and rewards, always much appreciated. Have a wonderful weekend, take care and stay safe :-)x

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