Salix 'Mt Aso'

Looking Fab-u-lous at present, would have liked a perfect blue sky in the background but when I took the Blip early in the morning the day could have gone either way even though there was no rain forecast.
I walked to fetch the paper, nipped in and made an appointment with a financial adviser as 2 of Mum's policies are reaching maturity. Feel happier now I've taken action.
Drive down to CK. Mum has misplaced both sets of glasses... (She couldn't recall what she'd lost but having a quick scan around the kitchen diner I hazard a guess. Indie was getting impatient, so we went walkabouts before the hunt. I spotted the first primroses growing wild in amongst the brambles, the pussy willow glistening in the sunshine, more funky fungi. We heard Coal tit, Great tit in abundance, wren, song thrush, blue tits galore, green woodpecker, Stonechat, & blackbirds. Indie had a dunk in the pond so was relatively clean for our walk back into the village. Picked up litter enroute... Someone working locally obviously purchasing the 'meal deal', as this is the third day on the trot, I've picked up their rubbish. Grh!!
Coffee & pain au raisin then we, correction, I looked for the glasses.. Found 2 cases plus distance glasses in a carrier bag with photos & memorabilia, but reading glasses still missing.
While preparing Mum's lunch she appeared holding the specs. In her bedside table drawer.
Left Mum eating lunch & headed home. Hubby & I went out for a late lunch at The Passage House Inn. Could see the sun shing on the properties on Back beach away down the estuary in Teignmouth, it gradually made it's way to us. Yay!

Wishing you all a great weekend whatever you're doing. Lets hope the sun shines.

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