Leith contrasts

I've long regarded the juxtaposition of Fox's Bar, the Mistral Wine Bar and (just out of shot) the Little Chartroom restaurant as something of a Leith enigma. 

I think the photo speaks for itself and adds into the mix some of the traffic cones we have been enjoying recently, with plenty of roadworks in the vicinity.

Meanwhile, N has texted from Tain to say that we have the 'smoothest blackest tarmac in Tain' right outside our house. Others have been texting to tell us about the broken water main on the road which in fact severed the branch that feeds our house, but affected our neighbours as well. It's been repaired, but we've been warned about excessive water pressure when we switch it back on again. I'm in a bit of a strop about not being there this weekend. My swimming pals are going on a mini adventure (as in an adventure to a place not too far away), and the weather looks set fair (as indeed it has been in Edinburgh). Sigh. At least there isn't too long to wait.

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