The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

This is the Gower Peninsula

...In Wales. I have been trying to plan a camping trip with one of my tonger sisters, K, in between festivals. She kept wanting to visit someone in North Pembrokeshire as well, so I went along with her until she realised it was quite far, seeing as we have to get back to Chepstow on the Bristol channel by Friday.. We haven't booked any campsites yet. 

I went out to help S in the morning. He had a horrible accident: slammed his finger in a door. Came over all funny, so I made him an ice pack and fetched a sick bowl (fortunately not needed)  and waited with him until him his colour returned. He still wanted lunch, so he and his flatmate I and I went out to the Trinity Rooms for lunch. I had mushroom soup. Afterwards I went home, supposedly to work on my book, but I felt very tired. My stomach ached. Eventually I went to bed. Slept a bit. Remembered that this happened to me once before after I'd eaten a lot of mushrooms. Apparently, they can be hard to digest. 

The rest of the day seems to have been spent catching up.on WhatsApp chat with my sister K.and other friends 

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