An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Water drop catcher...

It's been a lazy day.   

We had planned to go to Glasgow this afternoon then realised we would get caught up in rush hour traffic on the way home, so decided to go tomorrow morning instead.  

So a leisurely lunch followed by some time in the garden checking on the new planting that was done last summer.  Thankfully everything looks like it survived the winter (so far) and lot of shoots appearing.  Lola had a great time running around and exploring in the sunshine.  It was very mild and for the first time this year I smelt spring in the air.  Hopefully not long till the Gin Palace is open for business. 

In the side garden there's a little area, a bit like a table top, that was supposed to be where Alan could sit and be helped to pot plants, but that was a one summer hobby for him and it's been sitting there doing nothing apart from growing tiny weeds.  Deciding what to do with the space is on my to-do list, but since I've been playing with the big camera this week, the tiny weeds proved to be a good subject for my macro lens and to blip.

An hour of crochet whilst listening to a blast from the past produced another pile of hearts for the wedding cuddle blanket. 

Watched an episode of Landscape artist of the year.  Put me in the mood to paint but I suspect I won't have the chance to get into the studio till Sunday.  

Have a great weekend everyone :-)

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