
By Janewatt


Very difficult day. So tired I couldn’t face sorting out kitchen stuff now new shelves installed. Hospital rang to ask re blood test. No results arrived there. Explained when and where and who involved. They rang nurses and lab. It seems it disappeared! Agreed I should go hospital and get blood test there which will delay treatment an hour or two. Obviously I agreed.
Taxi arrived at midday and went to Clinique for Radiotherapy and then on to Hospital. I had blood test and sat for 2 hours awaiting results. Then discussed my state of health after results showing poor red globules and plaquettes. My usual consultant is away and this doctor being very cautious and went iff to see progression on computer. Eventually decided to start this 5th cure. It went fine as usual and then doctor gave order for new blood test in one week .I may need a transfusion at that point. But she also says we should stop chemo after this cure and have a new PET scan. It may be that results will be ok!

Difficult to cope with not knowing for 3 or 4 weeks., but will wait with fingers crossed. Then taxi late to pick me up and finally home at 20:30h. Microwaved a ready meal and fed Gyp. And so to bed! Grandson rang to say things desperate there and can he come over tomorrow. Of course he can but not looking forward to all the driving. But do have taxi am to go Radiotherapy early so may not be too bad.

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