James Paterson and Ellen Chapman

My great great grandparents. 

I'm allowing myself a very lazy day. I suspect I have a chest infection. I'm really fed up about this as we were booked for a special meal in Glasgow this evening, a present from our elder son and his partner. Fortunately the restaurant will let us rebook despite a very late cancellation but all the same what a disappointment. 

I'm not very good at just sitting though I'm making a reasonable job of it so far :-). I thought I could do a bit of family history sorting while I'm taking it easy. I have these photocopied photographs in my research file. They came from my late aunt (you can make out her handwriting on the reverse) and I assume that her sons, my cousins, will have the originals. 

James (1826-1900) was born in Mauchline, Ayrshire. Ellen I'm less clear about but they were married in 1860 in London. She was born in 1832. Their son Robert was my great grandfather.  It seems that Ellen was James's second wife. His first wife, Agnes Taylor, died very young in Partick which is where Robert was born. Rather creepily Robert's middle name was Taylor though his mother definitely wasn't Agnes. Detail I'll never be able to unpick. 

I have quite a bit of information about James but less about Ellen. Maybe she hailed from London and won't feature on the Scotland's People website which is the one I use. 

You don't need all this information but I'm writing it for my own records. If any genealogist Blipper has tips about how to organise family history I'm all ears. I'm yet to find a satisfactory way. I feel as if I need to see it all in one place which isn't really possible. 

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