Hello Lovely Blippers,

We were really excited when Mr and Mrs. HCB said that they were going to the car wash this morning - that might sound silly to you, but we have never been to a car wash before, and we wanted to see if the people there could get all the dirt off the HCBs’ car.  One of Mrs. HCB’s friends always says that their car is black, but it is actually “Obsidian Blue” so we hope that Dianne will be at Church tomorrow to see how clean the car is today!

We all piled into the back of the car and then when we got there, a man directed us in.  We heard Mr. HCB say that they only wanted the outside cleaned so very quickly, Mrs. HCB jumped out from the front of the car - well not quite jumped - that would be silly - but she got out carefully, because it was all wet on the ground - and then got into the back of the car. 

Before long there was a HUGE swooshing noise and the water was all over the outside of the car - and you a see the man working hard at the bottom of the collage.

They "swooshed" the car all over and then put some soapy suds all over it too.  Mrs. HCB was a bit worried, because the man opened the doors and cleaned all around the sills with water - in fact, she screamed because she thought he was going to spray her to get her clean!  How silly is that - and wouldn’t dear Admirer have giggled - in fact, she would have LOL - short for Laughed Out Loud - if she had seen Mrs. HCB cowering in the back of the car! Ha ha - we laughted out loud too!

Mr. HCB just sat in the driver’s seat and smiled - and you can see him in the front seat and also in the mirror.  

It was hard for some of us to see what was happening, but we all enjoyed the fun - and we didn’t even get wet!  So thank you to Mr. & Mrs. HCB for taking us today - we had a great time - and then we went home and had Hot Chocolate and Marshmallows - what could be better?

Mrs. HCB found a great quote for all of us a couple of days ago and it said:

“If you have to choose between being kind and being right, choose BEING KIND and you will ALWAYS be right.”

We think that’s cool and so TRUE!  

Love to you all from the Silly Saturday Gang xxx

P.S.  Mrs. HCB has asked us to thank you all for your kind comments for Arlo yesterday; she was very tired last night and didn’t do any commenting, so please forgive her.  Personally, we think she is overdoing things, but even when we and Mr. HCB tell her that, she takes no notice!! 

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