My world feels complete upside down.
Wasn't sure if I had it in me to blip all the awful news but this is a record of my life and this is going to a be a big change to my life path but such a massive one for The Rev. So forgive me if I use this site to continue posting all this but I think it's important to be able to look back at how far we have come.

Besides a change of name this is exactly what I published 23/1/17….this time the news is The Rev’s.
On Tuesday he was diagnosed with prostrate cancer. Sadly we had the call on our first day in Iceland…but Tuesday our worse fears were confirmed. Luckily it’s contained and they are hopeful that it’s treatable but the side effects are life changing and the road ahead is very rocky.
Today was one of the hardest as we told the boys. Well The Rev just couldn’t get it out and there were lots of tears.
Lots of information to read, lots of decisions to make and cuddles to be had.

we’ll keep dancing through the storm.

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