Farewell To Eccleshall

Today, with Big Brother and his friends A & B we convened at the Old House to discuss the quantity of Stuff in the garage and its disposal - rather more than the new owners had anticipated.

We have to leave the final action to them, to take to charity shops or to chuck in a skip, as appropriate, although, while checking, we did discover a box of BB's personal papers and items, so he still has his old school photos and saving certificates from our first family home, i.e. early1950's, which might otherwise have been destroyed.

Before we left the village I stopped to snap the nearest milestone. Staffordshire is well-supplied with this style, where distances are recorded in fractions of a mile - note those on the left: Newcastle (under Lyme) 11 3/4, Woore 12 1/4.

And so we left.

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