Loving Lichens

Workshop went really well. 
Lovely people, only light mizzle and lots to see. Has encouraged me to put a couple more workshops on. 
Considering they were all adament they couldn't name more than a couple of lichens at the start of the session, I think we did OK. 
 We worked our way through a process and... 
In this pic, from top left:
Cladonia bellidiflora
Tephromela atra
Rhizocarpon geographicum
Ramalina fastigiata
Ophioparma Ventosa

We also identified:
Peltegera britannia
Peltegera horizontallis
Graphics scripta
Xanthoria polycarpa
Ramalina farinacea
Lecanora chlarotera
Rhizocarpon reductum
Cladonia diversa
Cladonia furcata
Cladonia rangiferina
Xanthoparmelia conspersa

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