Not Shaun the Sheep

The next-door farmer's wife drove round at 11ish this morning with a mini-tractor-buggy type vehicle and trailer, complete with little shelf for sheepdog to sit on, and I helped her load the two pet sheep into the trailer to be taken to the field nearby where the shearing was taking place. I thought they'd be back by now - 5ish - but they aren't, so...

... today I bring you Purdy. She's a dear little cat with a loud purr and very sharp claws! I haven't been scratched this time, yet, but I remember them from previous visits. I like the way she's smiling for the camera :-)

Later tonight, later than anticipated, Daughter #1 is due to arrive from Denmark for a 2-week visit. As usual she chose to travel overland, rather than fly, and missed her connection in Cologne, which meant she missed her Eurostar connection, which meant she missed her Glasgow connection, which meant she missed her Balfron connection. It'll be lovely to see her, eventually, for the first time since February.

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