
By sharon143

A very strange day! Went to food bank and arrived to find volunteers standing outside and no key- holder. Fortunately I remembered L usually left a set of keys in her porch. I drove there and retrieved them and so we eventually started. I had to break off to do a pick up at Aldi as A’s car was full, but when I arrived they had nothing for us. Got back and finished, but only two of us stayed until the end so it took ages to clear up. Reminded A about our theatre trip this evening - she had completely forgotten and had double- booked. Grr. Went home via the supermarket, did a few chores and as it had started to pour with rain took this as an EB. Suddenly felt very tired and so laid down on thesofa for a while and woke up four hours later, at 8.30. Of course the contemporary ballet I was supposed to be going to had started at 7.30. Grr. Had a cup of tea, and went back to sleep again. Went to bed at 10.30 and slept through until 7am. Very strange!

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