By lizzie_birkett

Wind Flowers…

…and Rhubarb. 
I bought the windflowers a couple of weeks ago, I love that blue.
Some rhubarb has now gone to a new home, I advertised it free on our local Hellifield page. The girl took two plants and I still have two more to give away. We do like rhubarb but it doesn’t agree with us.
I spent quite a bit of time in the garden, it was like spring today so I tidied things up and swept the path. I didn’t cut much back as there are all manner of grubs and bugs etc that shelter in the dead foliage. I saw a ladybird.
It was good to be out there in the fresh air listening to the birds. When I was inside earlier Bob next door phoned and told us to look out the window. There was a sparrow-hawk feasting on a bird. I took a photo but it’s not very clear. There are grey feathers everywhere, I’m not sure what it caught. Poor wee bird but that’s nature.

I took the baby gift to the next but one neighbours door. The little girl and little boy came and I asked if mummy was there. They went away and then their dad came and opened the door. He was pleasant enough, smiled and said thank you. The two little ones told me to look inside the cage in the yard and there were two guinea pigs. They did have a rabbit called Peter but they said he died. They also have a cat so they are animal lovers :-)

Frank has been out playing music in Skipton with his friend Jim and he said he would make our tea so now I’m just sat sitting!

Hope you’ve had a good weekend. :-)X

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