
By Rosemarie55


15.00  -  11°C  -  10 mph WSW Wind Speed  -  19 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy  -  Sunny Intervals.  Well, you know where I was at 1.52 pm  -  in front of the tele watching Click on BBC.  I watch Click every week  -  it used to be relevant to cameras and computers but these days its more about AI stuff that I’m unlikely to use.  However, today there was a tiny bit about Instant v. Digital photography  -  not much more except to say like film some people are still using Polaroid cameras.  It did prompt me to google Instant v. Digital  and this is what I got ☻☻ I did own a Polaroid when they first came out and I thought it was lurking in a box somewhere  -  when I located the box it only had the Polaroid printer and some printing paper  -  no sign of the camera.  Oh well, I don't think I will be going back down the Polaroid road  -  Google says the old printing system no longer works and anyway they have a contestant in the Fujifilm Instax!

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