out came the sun

A good night's sleep..but still feeling exhausted so I had a nice quiet morning. Strangely, I've only wanted to eat sweet things so I had an Alpro yoghurt, a Huel shake and a couple of satsumas. There must be a reason for it :-)

Around 2pm, the sun came out! I decided to get dressed and go outside. The crocuses under the cherry tree had all opened up in the sunshine. I went for a walk, slowly and with plenty of stops - the road to recovery, one step at a time! Everything was very bright in the sunshine, and at my slower pace, I noticed lots of things - the yellow hazel catkins, some daffodils in bloom on the other side of the valley, the first shoots of cow parsley and cleavers. By the time I returned home, the sun had gone in and the crocuses were all closed up again.

I can feel my energy returning...just have to be patient and go with the flow...

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