look what I found

growing up the garden. Crocus, they used to grow in the lawn but seem to have migrated.
Nice to see all the spring colours popping up.
I was looking at what was left of my seeds and what I am going to get again this year. I had an idea, don't know if it will work, all the seeds I have leftover from last year, mix them together and plant them up the garden where the trees were chopped down, just throw them onto the soil and see what happens.

Mark called again today with Grace and Autumn, Grace is taller than me now, she will be 13 this year and Autumn has suddenly started to shoot up, she's 10 now. her first words were I'm nearly as tall as you. She has always been on the small side but nice to see her gaining height. I am not really tall but Mark is and  their mother is. (their mother is expecting a baby to her new husband)

It's been a lovely day, lots of sun and quite mild.

Weekend nearly over.

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