Planet man adventures

By rowanhagdorn


and frisbe. 

We had rolls from the bakery which were tasty. Today's wander was to Bornholmer straße which was divided in two in the past. There was a really interesting mini exhibition with both wall segments, photos and a timeline of the events leading up to the fall of the wall. I remember seeing it on the news and being aware something significant had happened. 

I wanted to walk past the Russian embassy to pay my respect to the memorial to Alexej Navalny. To be brave enough to not only stand up to your opponents but to face the likely consequences showed the world true strength and integrity. I didn't stay for long because there was a loud and emotional protest where I felt like I was encroaching on the grief of others. 

A friend from my class received her exam results last week. I'm still waiting, almost 11 weeks on. There were only 12 of us. Maybe next week the postbox will be full. 

Dog and frisbe is an attempt to see something fun amidst the darkness of world events. 

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