Baby Bunny

I went out to my garage to start up my lawn mower...trying to cut the grass between rain storms.

I was thinking about what to blip. Another baby robin shot, or should I take a little drive to see what I could find?

I saw the little lump in the grass, not knowing yet what it was. A step closer, and the ears came into focus. (You just can't miss those ears.)

I tip-toed over to my truck to get my camera, keeping the long lens on. After several shots, I went back and changed to a shorter lens.

Kneeling down on one knee, baby rabbit let me get as close as the lens would allow. 1.5 feet...18 inches from her beautiful little bewitching bunny face. So cute.

After watching a cooking show this week about making rabbit stew, I wondered (just briefly) how many bunnies it would take to make the dish. I saw her brother hopping underneath my neighbors pine tree. Would two do? Would two make the stew?

Who I am trying to kid? I could never follow-through with the stew. I just no-can-do. So...all the hullabaloo about rabbit stew went askew.

You'll have to go to FLICKR to see day 9 of the baby robins. They are still not moving much, but...but...WE HAVE OPEN EYES!

Unlike the baby bunny, who is flat-out cute, the baby robins are cute in an ugly way. Ugly or not...always a thrill to see nature in action.

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