Norby Beach Walkies

A rainy morning, easing off in the afternoon, mist in places.  Clearer this evening.  Breezy all day.

Up early, and a morning puttering about the house.  Friend Donald phoned, and he sorted my suspension on my car, huge thanks to him :)  Picked up friend Julie in the afternoon, headed out west with the dogs.  A quiet evening at home, a couple of walkies with Sammy, mostly feet up.

Both Sammy and Keba were delighted to get out in the afternoon, both needing walkies after a wet morning.  A fine treat, another beach walk, which they both love.  Where the beach is situated, the wind coming off the sea was cold and hitting direct.  As we started to head back to the car, the sun came out for a brief spell, quick snap a photo.  Taken at Norby Beach, Sandness.  

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