A Morning Of Mixed Blessings!

It was a very cold morning as people were getting ready and leaving their homes to gather at FBC, but that did not include my husband, who had a fever all day Friday and all  that same night, or me, who kept bringing him water, acetaminophen and soup.  He is much better today, his temperature  is back to normal, but we didn't think that we were quite ready to be in church in person.  So, we were grateful for the service on Live-stream.  After the service opened with a congregational song and a welcome by McGinty, we got to hear the choir sing the joyful anthem, "We've Come To Bless Your Name".  After the congregation offered up two or three more songs of worship and praise, Pastor Wes took us back into Revelation 21:1-8.  He first reminded us that for those who are a part of God's eternal family, that our security is never found in where we have been, but in what He has promised us that we are going to.  In the sermons leading up to this one, God showed John all that would happen to those who had rejected a relationship with Him leading to eternal punishment and separation from God.  Not a comforting or peaceful sequence of events.  But, in Revelation 21, John begins to describe the place that Jesus has prepared for those of us who have been saved by grace through faith in Him----a place of no more death, sorrow or tears, where we can never be separated from God..  Pastor Wes has much more to say about it all in the Live-stream which you might find extremely encouraging.  I know I did----and though I would have preferred to be at church in person, I was grateful for the Live-stream and for those who worked behind the scenes to get it out to us.....

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