
Tim Horton's , or Timmies as it is known by Canadians,  many of them, (especially those from out East), look upon  it as a bit of national treasure. Most of their fame comes from donuts and coffee. 
(Not me, their biggest claim to fame is the double-double. Which means double cream and double sugar.  Which prompts the question, "would you like me to put a tiny bit of coffee in there too?)
Anyway, I digress. A prospective buyer of the house couldn't come to the open house yesterday and requested a meeting with the realtor today so that he could write "a back up" offer. So we were turfed out of the house again.
We used the opportunity to take some boxes down to the storage unit and on the way back, No 1 son decided that we all needed a sugar fix. Hence the box of tTmmies.
(I'm going to die on the hill that stands for Honey Cruller and Apple Fritters being the best two flavours by far.)
It's always a great Sunday evening when you realize that it's a day off tomorrow for Family Day, or any long weekend for that matter.

Ah well...

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