Woodlands Park School Tuatara

Long day at the inpatient unit and then a walk to get the milk. And to take a photo for today's Blip. The low sun was shining on the much enlarged Tuatara in the grounds of the Woodlands Park school. It remindsme of the large dragon in the children's playground at the Auckland Zoo, when our children were young enough to clamber all over it. Children loved that, and it must be a source of joy for the children at this school to have their own giant Tuatara to incorporate in their games.

Warou (Welcome swallows) were again plentiful above the roads often resting on the wires across the road. They are obviously feeding (or trying to, at least). I wonder if the increased number of cars passing along the road (coming home from work) disturbs more insects, and the low sun at this late afternoon time makes them easier to be seen and caught by the Warou.

The tiles appear to have been decorated by the pupils.

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