A busy day today.  Started with an excellent QiGong session, which both relaxed me and woke me up at the same time - weird huh!!!

This afternoon of I have Grange Photographic Society meeting (GPS).  I'm no on the committee so must start attending again.  Mind you this simply means that I provide the catering and have a say in things.  It's currently very small and mostly older people so the talks can be somewhat limited.  Still the idea for me is to try and learn some more and get inspiration.  The range of photographers is from complete novices to some excellent photographers so that's not bad.  A wide variety of camera's used to.

I will catch up with you all later today once I've come back from the GPS meeting.  Today's talk is by the current Chairman, Malcolm Kimber and it's about his life as a Train Spotter.  Now this could be very interesting as it is accompanied, of course, by many photographs.

I was practising again with my Macro lens.  Not too happy with the results.  I manage to get the centre sharp but then the surroundings were blurred.  I've tried various things but really need to learn more about it (see extras).  

Do take care everyone and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

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